
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daily Summary 02-28



- Objective: Correctly name (in correct sequence) and describe the stages of mitosis with no more than one error

- Warm up: What are the mitotic stages (in the correct order)? Share your mnemonic (memory device) for “PMAT” with some of your seat neighbors and write down some of the ones they share with you. Why do cells undergo mitosis? What can happen if several mutations accumulate in a cell line’s DNA over a period of time? [5]

- HW check [5~]

- “Which stage?” cell cycle/mitosis visual review [5]

- Explain mitosis microscope lab activity [5]

- Perform mitosis microscope lab activity, answer questions [35]

HOMEWORK: Work on genetic condition project, finish mitosis lab questions

TOMORROW: Intro to Meiosis



- Objective: Correctly name (in correct sequence) and describe the stages of mitosis with no more than one error

- Warm up: What are the mitotic stages (in the correct order)? Share your mnemonic (memory device) for “PMAT” with some of your seat neighbors and write down some of the ones they share with you. Why do cells undergo mitosis? What can happen if several mutations accumulate in a cell line’s DNA over a period of time? [5]

- HW check [5~]

- “Which stage?” cell cycle/mitosis visual review [5]

- Explain mitosis microscope lab activity [5]

- Perform mitosis microscope lab activity, answer questions [35]

HOMEWORK: Work on genetic condition project, finish mitosis lab questions

TOMORROW: Intro to Meiosis



- Objective: Students will read about the nature of space, stars, and the solar system and correctly answer questions in English using the rules of SAE.

- Silent reading [10]

- Go over homework questions from yesterday

- Continue reading in space science unit [20]

- Check your understanding, p. 107

HOMEWORK: Finish Check your Understanding, p. 107

TOMORROW: Continue Space Science Unit
