
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Daily Summary 05-17



- Objectives: Prepare and deliver (on your scheduled day) a symposium presentation summarizing your independent research project from WGHS APES 2015-2016

- scrAPESbook final check next week—physical scrAPESbook must be submitted on or before Friday, 5/20

- WGHS APES 2016 Environmental Science Symposium


- Finish preparing symposium presentation summarizing your independent research project from WGHS APES 2015-2016 (Your summary symposium presentation is worth up to 100 project points and your final written report is worth up to 100 lab points)



- Objectives: Use all of the skills learned/developed during our unit on formal research skills to finish your scholarly research on the topic you have selected for your symposium presentation and create and deliver a lesson to your class

- Warm-up: Listen to agenda explanation and reminders [5]

- BioSITE participants: don’t forget to draft/publish the two mandatory posts on the WGHS BioSITE Pilot blog (see me if you have not yet joined this blog)

- All other ESLPs: remember to create a blog in which you have a log (series of blog posts with photos) of all major milestones in your project, a written plan, and a budget statement!

- Symposium or Sex Ed. Presentation (See symposium schedule for your class period)


- Continue your own symposium lesson planning/preparation if you have not yet delivered your lesson

- Work on the steps/parts of your ESLP that you have planned to work on this week
