
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Daily Summary 09-01



- Objectives: Carry out NPP and HOC experiments independently (with minimal instructor assistance)

- Warm-up: What is combustion and how is it relevant to our study of the environment? Be very specific with your responses, citing as many real-life examples as you can [8]

- Heat of Combustion (HOC) Experiment [45]

- Lecture 1: Energy, video clip (Planet Earth) [15]

- Water NPP grass patch [7]

- Lecture 2: Earth’s Layers [15]

- Go over Unit 1 Exam MC [10 – 15]


- Finish How Much Space Do We Need? (DUE 9/3)

- Heat of Combustion Lab Write-up: Analysis questions (DUE 9/8)

- Read pp. 41-51, 347-354



- Objectives: Finish your seed germination experiment

- Warm-up: What is agroecology? Make a concept map starting with “AGROECOLOGY” in the center bubble and include a basic definition in this bubble. From there, connect to other major topics/subjects you believe are linked to agroecology. [10]

- Last chance for stamp on graphing practice from last week [~10]

- Introduction to agroecology ( [5 - 10]

- Last day of Germination of Seeds lab

- Get data from day 7 of experiment [5 - 10]

- Complete analysis questions and graph [30 - 40]

- Work on Student Blog Post Assignment #1 from TSOTS [20 - 35]


- Finish Germination of Seeds lab questions and graph

- Finish Student Blog Post Assignment #1 from TSOTS
