- Objectives: Be able to describe strengths and weaknesses of our modern food production systems citing evidence from Food, Inc.
- Warm-up: Should food producers (companies and individuals) be able to decide what information to give consumers about the food they produce? Why or why not? [5]
- Continue watching Food Inc., chapters 6 - 9 [40]
- Post-film discussion: What is your greatest concern about our modern food system? Why? What will you do to help address this problem? [15]
- Introduction to Ecology [20]
- Ecosystem Map Poster Assignment [20]
- Seed planting for TSOTS teams with no surviving seedlings [~15]
- Sketch plans for your ecosystem map posters
- Objectives: Be able to describe strengths and weaknesses of our modern food production systems citing evidence from Food, Inc.
- Warm-up: Should food producers (companies and individuals) be able to decide what information to give consumers about the food they produce? Why or why not? [5]
- Continue watching Food Inc., chapters 6 - 9 [40]
- Introduction to Ecology [20]
- Ecosystem Map Poster Assignment [30]
- Seed planting for TSOTS teams with no surviving seedlings [~30]
- Discuss ESLP project ideas with Mr. Bursch [~30]
- Sketch plans for your ecosystem map posters