
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Daily Summary 10-22



- Objectives: Conduct allelopathy experiment using your procedure and information gleaned from background research

- Warm-up: Describe a hypothetical or real example which demonstrates the concepts of fundamental and realized niche. [8]

- Check Allelopathy experimental procedure and materials [~8]

- Unit 4 Lecture 4: Biodiversity Loss [20]

- Biodiversity and Evolution Quiz #2 [35]

- Unit 4 Lecture 5: Community Disturbance and Change [20]

- Remaining Round 2 scrAPESbook presentations [20]


- Work on Allelopathy Lab

- Read p.191-213 in LITE

- Article Reading and Questions: Conservation for the People As you read, write down at least 5 questions you have about the ideas/information presented and discussed in the article



- Objectives: Demonstrate a basic understanding of water’s fundamental properties by correctly answering 80% or more of the questions on the Properties of Water Lab

- Warm-up: Ecology Unit Exam post-test Q & A: What is one question from the test we just took that really left you wondering what the best answer really was? [5]

- Properties of Water discussion and notes [20]

- Properties of Water Lab [60]

- Lynx and Hare Population Lab is now late—turn in ASAP for credit


- Work on questions from properties of water lab

- Sign up for an Ecology Service Learning Project by Friday of this week or you will be assigned to a project by the teacher
