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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daily Summary 03-12



- Objectives: Demonstrate scholarly research practices as you work on your science research and symposium topic by answering the teacher’s questions as he informally interviews students while circulating the room

- Warm-up: Check out your laptop per the teacher’s instructions log in, open a browser, and load the class website. Navigate to the Science Research and Symposium website. [3]

- Reteach: making in-text citations and works cited lists using the CSE citation-name system [10]

- (1) Look at ESLP options and choose one (if you haven’t); (2) Continue research for symposium presentation Final Round 1 Research Progress Interviews

- Closure: what progress have you made in class today? [5]


- (1) View ESLP options and choose one; (2) Symposium research



- Objectives: Demonstrate scholarly research practices as you work on your science research and symposium topic by answering the teacher’s questions as he informally interviews students while circulating the room

- Warm-up: Check out your laptop per the teacher’s instructions log in, open a browser, and load the class website. Navigate to the Science Research and Symposium website. [3]

- Reteach: making in-text citations and works cited lists using the CSE citation-name system [10]

- (1) Look at ESLP options and choose one (if you haven’t); (2) Continue research for symposium presentation Final Round 1 Research Progress Interviews

- Closure: what progress have you made in class today? [5]


- (1) View ESLP options and choose one; (2) Symposium research
