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Monday, March 17, 2014

Daily Summary 03-17



– Objectives: SWBAT respond thoughtfully to one Viewer’s Guide question from each chapter of The Botany of Desire

– Warm-up: Which ESLP project are you signed up for? Who are you working with? What have you done so far? [5]

– ESLP reminders and suggestions (period 2 only) [10]

– Finish DNA Bead Activity (period 2 only) [20]

– Finish watching The Botany of Desire

– Turn in DNA Origami anytime during DNA Unit for bonus pts

– CO-TEACHERS: Have you submitted your lesson plan and self-evaluation to Mr. Bursch (already taught your lesson)?


– Write a short paragraph response for EACH of two questions you select to answer from The Botany of Desire Viewers’ Guide (any chapter)

– Work on ESLP



– Objectives: SWBAT respond thoughtfully to one Viewer’s Guide question from each chapter of The Botany of Desire

– Warm-up: If you had to make a case for which kingdom of organisms (plants or animals) had more influence over the direction of the evolution of the entire biosphere, what would you argue and why? [5]

– Start watching The Botany of Desire

– CO-TEACHERS: Have you submitted your lesson plan and self-evaluation to Mr. Bursch (already taught your lesson)?


–Write a short paragraph response for each question you select to answer from The Botany of Desire Viewers’ Guide (1 per chapter)

–Work on ESLP



– Objective: SWBAT respond thoughtfully to one Viewer’s Guide question from each chapter of The Botany of Desire

– WARM-UP: What is one surprising thing you saw/heard in TBD about the plants being described?

– Finish watching The Botany of Desire


– Write a short paragraph response for each question you select to answer from The Botany of Desire Viewers’ Guide (1 per chapter)
