
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Daily Summary 03-02



- Objectives: Discuss your progress on your independent research project with your instructor, including challenges/problems and what you are doing to work through them

- Warm-up: Write a paragraph summary of your work / research to this point, including: your original question and hypothesis, modifications to your original hypothesis, essential procedure, preliminary results, adjustments to procedure, any other problems or questions that have arisen [10]

- Research discussion groups [35]

- Interviews with instructor [~35]

- Remember to go to student bank to remit AP Test Payment before March 4th


- Reading Assignment: Miller LITE pp. 465-476 (Be sure to read Core Case Study on 465)



- Objectives: Understand the scope and expectations of the Science Research and Symposium project 

- Warm-up: Brainstorm a list of questions/topics that interest you (use a Google Doc and place it in your “Research” folder, which itself should be in your shared biology folder) and be ready to discuss with your teacher this period [5]

- Interviews with Mr. Bursch and research time [35]

- Report score for TSOTS blog posts if you did not do it last week

- Turn in late Hominid Skull Labs for 80% credit

- Sign up for your ESLP project now!


- Begin using some of the resources we have discussed in class (online encyclopedias, university websites, other publications) to learn at least the basics of some of the topics on your “research radar” list—next class period we will discuss taking/making notes
