
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019



Read directions below and then check out the agenda below those instructions:

Look through the notes on Cell Growth and Cell Division (emphasis is on mitosis):
Now complete the following activity:
Now work on The Story of the Seed Blog Post Assignment #5:

Begin planning your Cell growth and division stop-motion video or comic strip mini-project (comic strip examples are on my table under the document camera)

IN CLASS: Have you signed up for co-teaching?

Objectives: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the cell cycle and mitosis by explaining the process of cell division in a comic strip or stop-motion video

Warm-up: New seats (except 3rd), welcome back message, and a look ahead [10 - 12]

Co-teaching reminder [5]

Introduction to / overview of cell growth and division [15]

Online mitosis activity [25 - 30]

Cell growth and division stop-motion video or comic strip mini-project [30]



Brainstorm for cell growth and division mini-project (DUE next Wednesday)--I will give more detailed directions on Friday

Finish TSOTS Blog Post #5 and publish


Read directions below and then check out the agenda below those instructions:

  1. Pick up notebooks from period 6 yellow basket and any other scored work on front table
  2. Peruse all unit 7 materials (including instructional calendar) on class website
  3. Open lectures 1 and 2 and take notes / research on all major concepts / points
  4. Read through Healthy Forests Initiative Fact Sheet and summarize key points
  5. Look through what was supposed to be today's agenda (see below)

AGENDA: Research Project 1st Interview Overdue!

Objectives: Be able to (1) describe the general characteristics of forests / woodlands, (2) explain how forests are used by humanity and the impacts our actions in/on forests have on all parts of the biosphere, and (3) discuss how humans can rethink our relationship with forests to ensure indefinite existence for both

Warm-up: What is a forest? Give an example. Do forests have value? Explain. [10]

Unit 7: Land Use: Overview [5]

Unit 7: Lecture 1: Forests [25]

Unit 7: Lecture 2: Forest Management [25]

Class discussion: SFI and FSC: Greenwashing for timber and paper industry or legitimate consumer labeling programs? (POSTPONED)


Read pp. 218-233 in Miller Read

Healthy Forests Initiative summary (fact sheet)
