
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Daily Summary 12-15



- Objectives: Demonstrate a basic understanding of photosynthesis by running a controlled scientific experiment to study the effects of varying CO2 concentration and light intensity on rates of photosynthesis

- Finish Photosynthesis Lab [30 - 40]

- Cellular respiration questions (online) [30]

- Begin reviewing for final exam / Wrap up ESLP projects

- Did you also remember to answer the online photosynthesis / chloroplast virtual tour questions and place in shared bio folder?


- Finish photosynthesis lab write-up and place in your Google Drive shared Biology folder

- Finish ESLP project (make sure you have created a blog with all of the required information OR, if you were on the BioSITE team or the garden clean-up team, have posted the required summaries appropriate to the team of which you were a part)



- Objectives: Describe in detail the methods of food production used by humanity and the impacts these practices have on all parts of the biosphere, especially the soils of the planet

- Warm-up: What are some farming techniques/methods/approaches that can reduce soil degradation/loss? Choose one technique/method/approach from your list and explain how it can be effective in limiting soil degradation/loss. [10]

- TURN IN scrAPESbooks before you leave class/school today!

- Lecture 4: Pesticides [15]

- Lecture 5: Gene Diversity [15]

- Soil Analysis Lab work time [60]

- APES RESEARCH PROJECT: Outline and Interview [~60]


- Work on Soil Analysis Lab

- Article: “Doomsday” Seed Vault



- Objectives: Demonstrate a basic understanding of photosynthesis by running a controlled scientific experiment to study the effects of varying CO2 concentration and light intensity on rates of photosynthesis

- Finish Photosynthesis Lab [30 - 40]

- Cellular respiration questions (online) [30]

- Begin reviewing for final exam / Wrap up ESLP projects

- Did you also remember to answer the online photosynthesis / chloroplast virtual tour questions and place in shared bio folder?


- Finish photosynthesis lab write-up and place in your Google Drive shared Biology folder

- Finish ESLP project (make sure you have created a blog with all of the required information OR, if you were on the BioSITE team or the garden clean-up team, have posted the required summaries appropriate to the team of which you were a part)
