
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Daily Summary 05-07



- Objectives: Demonstrate basic understanding of the relationships between soil quality / condition and water quality by performing watershed simulation experiments followed by detailed written analysis (lab write-up)

- Warm-up: What’s your planned symposium activity? Are you on pace to be ready with your presentation materials (slideshow, handouts, demo materials, gadgets, etc.)? [3]

- Student Symposium Presentation (See Schedule)

- Complete Mr. Bursch’s symposium presentation activity, Lab Experiment: The Effects of Common Human Alterations on Soil Perviousness and Groundwater Quality, and turn in (DUE NO LATER THAN THIS FRIDAY AFTERNOON)


- (1) Work on ESLP; (2) Symposium project;



- Objectives: Demonstrate basic understanding of the relationships between soil quality / condition and water quality by performing watershed simulation experiments followed by detailed written analysis (lab write-up)

- Warm-up: What’s your planned symposium activity? Are you on pace to be ready with your presentation materials (slideshow, handouts, demo materials, gadgets, etc.)? [3]

- Student Symposium Presentation (See Schedule)

- Complete Mr. Bursch’s symposium presentation activity, Lab Experiment: The Effects of Common Human Alterations on Soil Perviousness and Groundwater Quality, and turn in (DUE NO LATER THAN THIS AFTERNOON)


- (1) Work on ESLP; (2) Symposium project;
