
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

APES Independent Research Project UPDATE


Hi Guys,

I realize that many of you had your independent research project experiments interrupted by the school closure. That being the case, I am now giving all APES students the option of doing second-hand research (which can be done mostly online) on an environmental topic / question and (as we were already going to do) preparing a written formal report as well as a summarizing slideshow / talk. You may choose to continue working on your own already-teacher-approved original experiment if you are able, or you may simply compile, analyze, and refer to data from multiple studies by other scientists on the question you were already investigating. If you want to change direction completely and ask / research another question entirely, you may do that, but you will need to fill out another Independent Research Project outline and submit it to me ASAP.

If we are still not back at school in May, we will use Zoom to deliver the summary presentations from home. If you still have not had your first-round interview for this project, please email me to discuss and include a link to your completed outline in your Google Drive APES folder.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions / concerns regarding this change to the project or any other APES content.

Stay safe and healthy,

Mr. Bursch


1 comment:

Unknown said...

where do i go and my gmail is