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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Summary 11-20



- Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of issues raised in the film Food, Inc. by composing a 3-5 paragraph essay around one question

- Warm up: Take out your focus questions with “Yes” / “No” graphic organizer and rough draft

- Use your filled-in organizer as ticket for laptop

HOMEWORK: Finish Food, Inc. issue essay and post to TSOTS blog

TOMORROW: Show your food some grattitude



- Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of issues raised in the film Food, Inc. by composing a 5 paragraph essay around one question

- Warm up: Take out your focus questions with “Yes” / “No” graphic organizer and rough draft

- Use your filled-in organizer as ticket for laptop

HOMEWORK: Finish Food, Inc. issue essay and post to TSOTS blog

TOMORROW: Show your food some gratitude
