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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Heartfelt Moment in Honors Biology


As part of the BRING IT! presentation series in Mr. Bursch's Honors Biology class, Gabby and Lauren prove they really are a couple of heartbreakers as they educate, fascinate, and gross out their classmates with this cow heart dissection demonstration.

Daily Summary 04-02



- Objective: SWBAT apply (in essay) ecology concepts studied so far to explain the problems they see in “Queen of the Sun” and discuss consequences to human populations as well as possible solutions

- Warm-up: (Answer in notebook) Based on what you saw yesterday, what do you think the bees are telling us? How are they telling us this?

- Finish watching Queen of the Sun, discuss [45]

- Start "Bee Essay" based on the prompt [10]
--> Compose a three to five paragraph essay based on the following prompt:
Bees have long been recognized as special, even sacred animals by many human cultures. Despite this, the fact that bees have been dying in huge numbers during the last decade seems to have gone largely unnoticed by most people. What do you think it will take for a critical mass of people to “wake up” to the plight of the bees and what might happen if we don’t realize the severity of the problem before it’s too late?

- Population Biology Virtual Lab (2nd part of Population Biology Web Quest) DUE Today, 4/2


HOMEWORK: Work on “bee” essays

TOMORROW: Finish pop. bio. topics


- Objective: SWBAT apply (in essay) ecology concepts studied so far to explain the problems they see in “Queen of the Sun” and discuss consequences to human populations as well as possible solutions

- Warm-up: (Answer in notebook) Based on what you saw yesterday, what do you think the bees are telling us? How are they telling us this?

- BRING IT! Presentations on the Mammalian Heart [45]

- Start "Bee Essay" based on the prompt [10]
--> Compose a three to five paragraph essay based on the following prompt:
Bees have long been recognized as special, even sacred animals by many human cultures. Despite this, the fact that bees have been dying in huge numbers during the last decade seems to have gone largely unnoticed by most people. What do you think it will take for a critical mass of people to “wake up” to the plight of the bees and what might happen if we don’t realize the severity of the problem before it’s too late?

- Population Biology Virtual Lab (2nd part of Population Biology Web Quest) DUE Today, 4/2


HOMEWORK: Work on “bee” essays

TOMORROW: Finish pop. bio. topics
