
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Daily Summary 05-09



- Objectives: Use all of the skills learned/developed during our unit on formal research skills to finish your scholarly research on the topic you have selected for your symposium presentation and create and deliver a lesson to your class

- Warm-up: Make sure all electronics are switched off and are put away, and clear your desk [2]

- Symposium Presentations Continue Today

- Interviews with Mr. Bursch and research time


- Finish any unfinished research unit activity; continue researching and preparing your lesson (if you have not yet presented)



- Objectives: Prepare and deliver (on your scheduled day) a symposium presentation summarizing your independent research project from WGHS APES 2016-2017

- Warm-up: What’s on your mind? Please share something that is of concern to you at this moment (it doesn’t have to be science-related or even school-related). [10]

- Work on anything you need to take care of

- Make sure your scrAPESbooks are ready to turn in (table of contents and sources pages are required)

- School Energy Report Card lab now overdue (40 lab points are on the line!)


- Finish preparing symposium presentation summarizing your independent research project from WGHS APES 2016-2017

- Make sure your scrAPESbooks are turned in this week—last day to turn them in for credit is this Friday (3:00 pm

- Bring your textbooks on Thursday to turn in to book room!



- Objectives: Use all of the skills learned/developed during our unit on formal research skills to finish your scholarly research on the topic you have selected for your symposium presentation and create and deliver a lesson to your class

- Warm-up: Make sure all electronics are switched off and are put away, and clear your desk—listen carefully to instructions for creating your own personal agenda for this week [5]

- Symposium Presentations begin late this week or early next week—check the presentation schedule for your class period!

- Interviews with Mr. Bursch and research time


- Finish any unfinished research unit activity; continue researching and preparing your lesson
