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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Introduction to Human Body Systems: Online Scavenger Hunt


Today you will be introduced to the major systems of the human body through an online scavenger hunt. Follow the instructions below, step-by-step.

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Open Google drive and create a new document which you name "Human Body Systems Scavenger Hunt"
  3. Put a standard header at the top of your document and type "Introduction to Human Body Systems: Scavenger Hunt" as your assignment name
  4. In a separate browser window, open the Google main search page (or another search engine of your choosing), and use the Web to find answers to the questions below. Copy and paste these questions into your Google document. Type your answers to each question immediately under the question. You will get credit for your work by showing me your document in person (like we did with the virtual population lab). Good luck!

  • What is a "body system"?
  • How many body systems can you identify total?
  • Why do you think human studies of anatomy and physiology group together certain tissues and organs into systems?
  • What is a possible shortcoming or flaw to looking at systems or organs in isolation?

Major Systems Summary:
  • Make a list of the major systems and their basic function.

Scavenger Hunt:

  • Where is your anterior cruciate ligament? Why do athletes in contact sports often tear this ligament?
  • What does the urethra do in males?
  • What is a eustachian tube? What do you think happens if it becomes partially blocked?
  • Where is your thyroid gland? What does it do?
  • Where is the pubococcygeus? What can you do to strengthen it?
