
Welcome to the website for Mr. Bursch's science classes at Willow Glen High School. If you are a student or parent, check this site daily for information and updates on homework, testing, projects, events, and other happenings in the classroom. Want more from this site? Help me make it better by suggesting additional features!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Biology / Honors Biology 2019 - 2020 Course UPDATE: Instruction to Resume Online on Monday


Hi Bursch Bioscientists and Parental Units,

Here is a brief update on how I will be proceeding to complete your instruction for Biology in the Dynamic Earth this school year. Over the weekend I will send out a detailed email explaining how my biology classes will get instruction (including getting help on assignments), turn in assignments, and do tests for the remainder of the shutdown.

First, I will most likely need to simplify our Science Research and Symposium project (which I had not yet assigned when school was closed) since we will not be at school until May at the earliest--for now I want to focus on transitioning to fully online instruction, so let's not worry about this project for the time being.

Second, I will waive (excuse) the co-teaching requirement for any students who had not yet completed it. For those who completed this requirement earlier in the year, you have already received credit.

Third, I will not be assigning The Story of the Seed blog post #9 at all this year, but I will be assigning blog post #8 next week. In the email I sent a few days ago I was referring to blog post #6 and #7 and was informing students and parents that, for those who had not yet gotten them checked for points, those posts are still due and need to get checked by me ASAP and no later than the last week of May 2020. If you already finished the flower dissection lab needed to do blog post #7, use your photos and research to complete the post--if you did not finish the dissection and get your own photos, use pictures from the internet which show the anatomical structures you were supposed to photograph. Let me know if you have questions about either post.

For all genetics (unit 6) assignments that were in progress, please complete them to the best of your ability using your notes and online resources:

  • Incomplete Dominance and Co-dominance practice problems (online: Google Doc)
  • X-linked genetics practice problems (on paper--take a picture, place in Google Drive folder)
  • Meiosis Modeling activity (For bio students only, you may simply draw a detailed step-by-step color diagram and send me a high-quality photo via email--honors bio should have been done before closure)
  • Flower Dissection Lab, TSOTS blog post #7 (directions on TSOTS website, students post on their team's TSOTS website)
  • Genetics Virtual Triathlon Legs 2 and 3 (online: Google Doc)

For online assignments that would have been stamped on your stamp sheet, place them in your Google Drive folder for biology in a subfolder called "Genetics Assignments" and I will put a score directly on them. For on-paper assignments, you have to photograph and place in your Google Drive folder--for these photographed assignments, I will only put the assignment score in IC so you will have to check the grade book to see your score (you could email me as well to inquire about any assignment score). To expedite scoring of any assignment you have just placed in your Google Drive folder, email me immediately after placing the file in your folder to inform me that it is ready for scoring.

That's all for now--more to follow by Sunday evening, so stay tuned!

Mr. Bursch


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